Evgeny Ustinov
3 min readOct 11, 2020

Keto week — #biotracking

Continue a series of weekly posts about my health and so called biohacking routines and insights i’m getting from mindful approach to my health

Disclaimer #1: purpose of this post series is fist of all to create a weekly routine of self-reflection for myself. Secondly it also might be seen as a way of sharing insights i’m getting from following longevity and biohacking routines with my friends. I’m practicing mindful approach to my health for a while already and recently realised a need in tracking and capturing insights as well as some mean of sharing it

Disclaimer #2: I’m not an medial doctor and all my practices, insights and recommendations should be taken with a bit of scepticism and even suspicion ;)

Disclaimer #3: Each post in this serious consists of 3 parts: (i) 3 reflections on week past — my health performance and fulfilment of past commitments (ii) 3 insights (iii) 3 actions for the coming week


(i) Last week. Diet: Basic intermittent fasting protocol followed: 1 day — 40+ hours, the rest of the week 16–20 hours of fasting daily. Keto diet for 6 days: ketones 2–6 mmol/L. Stable sugar: 4.1–4.8 mmol/L in the morning and only max 5.4 mmol/L after meal. As proven before cheat days from last week gave me some deviations in sugar and metabolic state in the beginning of the week. However wight showed quite a fluctuation +/- 2 kg on the day of high calorie intake with adding a bit of carbs. Activities and mindfulness: 7 days of mediations 15–30 min a day Including 3 days following not only morning but also evening evening routine. 7 days of workouts with 1 days of really intensive training. Unfortunately average (for me) sleep quality — 70–80 measured by Oura despite good sleeping hours (around 7 hours per day).

(ii) Weekly insights:

  • (a) Quite severe keto flu on Monday after cheat weekend resulting in serious drop in energy. Note for myself is once again to avoid cheat days to prevent or make keto flue easier
  • (b) Everyone is dealing with food carnivals (mainly sugar) , what is worse feeding your caring only makes it stronger. Most common and probable reason is that cravings are caused by wrong bacteria in your gut. Bitter drinks like coffee or herbal tea are a great way to calm your craving through feeding right bacteria in your gut and sending right signals to bad bacteria. So the very obvious takeaway is — take care of your microbiome to deal with cravings
  • (c) Fasting and calorie deprivation have a very positive influence on your quality of mindfulness. This week I’ve finally realised and clear link of mediation quality (measured with MUSE) with fasting time and amount of calories consumed. On fasting days quality improves 3–5 times
  • (d) Breathing exercise during the day give amazing energy and mood boost. I’m doing 10 min intensive breathing exercises daily (or almost daily)
  • (e) This week I was doing ketone measurements on 2 devices in parallel: breathing and blood measurement. Directionally they were aligned 90% of times but the result may be significantly different — see pic I’ve posted. Not a big insight but blood keto meter looks much more credible.

(iii) Next week commitments

  • (a) I’m starting tasting 24/7 glucose meter to monitor hope to see some cool insights
  • (b) this week will be micro biome feeding week with a lot of vegi stuff
  • (c) improve sleep quality: experiment with air in the room and timing
Evgeny Ustinov
Evgeny Ustinov

Written by Evgeny Ustinov

Evgeny is passionate about biotracking and bringing scientific and business like approach to personal physical and mental health

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