Firstbeat week — #biotracking
Continue my weekly posts about health and so called biohacking routines and insights i’m getting from mindful approach to my health
Disclaimer #1: purpose of this post series is fist of all to create a weekly routine of self-reflection for myself. Secondly it also might be seen as a way of sharing insights i’m getting from following longevity and biohacking routines with my friends. I’m practicing mindful approach to my health for a while already and recently realised a need in tracking and capturing insights as well as some mean of sharing it
Disclaimer #2: I’m not an medical doctor and all my practices, insights and recommendations should be taken with a bit of scepticism and even suspicion ;)
Disclaimer #3: Each post in this serious consists of 2 parts: (i) 3 insights from the last week (ii) 3 actions for the coming week
(i) Weekly insights:
- (a) Firstbeat tracking: This week I tested very cool present from my team: Firstbeat. You may see on the photo. You basically attach electrons to your body and ear it for 72 hours and running a journal of activities and events during this period. Then you send it out to a health practitioner who is analysing it all give you some report and advice with focus on stress level and recovery. Cool thing is that you do it as a group and you may fish out some common patterns and connection with your job. Getting final result is taking a bit of a time, so I’m looking forward.
- (b) Glucose level on a high level: my glucose level were on a quite high level all the week which is quite disappointing. Main problem is that glucose were staying on a high level longer than usually. I’m connecting it with supplements i’m taking so next week will try to experiment with combinations of supplements.
- (c ) Sleep and Dinner: relatively late eating which for me any food after 18:00 once again confirmed to be single most sleep disruptive factor. So from now on this is strict no go for me.
(iii) Next week commitments
- (a) Red light continue testing: continue testing red light. So far don’t feel any results except nice warm feeling during the mediation
- (b) Vegi week: plan to cut on protein and have strict vegi week to give my body a bit of the rest from protein and fat heavy food
- (d) Low on supplement: will give my body a bot of the rest from supplements to test impact on glucose level